Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tramadol How Long Do Tramadol Withdrawal Symptoms Last?

How long do tramadol withdrawal symptoms last? - tramadol

I stayed with tramadol cold turkey (after heavy use for about a month) about 3 ½ weeks and I have no real "retirement" but I'm still severely depressed. I was not about this before you tramadol depressed. The week after my time with thoughts of suicide, depression was so bad. How long will that is depression?

Anyone have ideas on this?


Max said...

Tramadol is an opioid analgesic, is a derivative of heroin. It is a very difficult addiction to break, so many people stay in touch. I'm not saying you are addicted, but it sounds like a physical dependence on drugs.

The acute withdrawal usually lasts no longer than a week, but mentally can take a long time. This is called PAW (after the acute withdrawal) and for long-term users can be up to one year. Since you only have one month, I would say that he should start feeling better soon.

Basically feels flood the system with a drug that makes you comfortable. Her body used to it and have it feel normal. When you delete things a great success.

Congratulations to end and good luck to you. It will be better, I promise.

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