Sunday, January 24, 2010

Overseas Funds How Do You Get Overseas Funds Into The United States?

How do you get overseas funds into the United States? - overseas funds

I've learned that I am a little over $ 100K will receive a trust established in Hong Kong (before you ask, no, it's) not a scam. What kind of taxes am I subject to the entry into the United States? Of course, at the level I want to stay here - but there is a way of creation (ie "gaps") in taxes while the money the United States, such as actions to minimize or even a block of gold?


Confused Republican said...

If you are a U.S. citizen or green card holder, you are taxed on their worldwide income. The payment to you as the beneficiary of the trust income then acquired ownership of capital, regardless of whether the money "between" the United States, after some time. If you acquired shares or gold with the money, while still sitting in a foreign account in Hong Kong, it would be different if you have money in the U.S. and then buy something with it. The purchase would not change the fact that he) (income and can allocate their income to another person prior to the receipt.

Hong Kong May, a tax on the money to impose a "sale" of Hong Kong. This is called a withholding tax. When Hong Kong was forced to pay taxes as a deduction at source, usually in a position to a foreign tax credit in the United States the amount of taxes in Hong Kong receives no compensation. However, this credit would not reduce your overall tax liability, but only the United States to reduce their tax liability the amount of your tax liabilities in Hong Kong.

Douglas seems twAnts, we take your $ 100,000 to invest, "" abroad, the "bet" on the financial markets. Aside from the obvious spam, which completely ignored point of your question. The website explains the benefits of their investments would be exempt, if your system is free. Even if they are true (and I doubt even more), your question is no exemption for the extra money you receive from your investment of $ 100,000. It is the imposition of $ 100,000, before they invest. Nothing will change in his plan very little income tax on trusts America.

douglas f said...

My name is Douglas. To
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Take care

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